Why Not Wix?

Why not Wix, indeed?

Many site builders are fine prod­ucts and suit­able for many peo­ple. Heck, they have mil­lions of users and, for the most part, work just fine.

[We’re not pick­ing on Wix, they just hap­pen to be the best known of the all-in-one site builder tools. We’re using them as more of a gener­ic term to encom­pass the var­i­ous ser­vices — Square­space, Word­Press, GoDad­dy and too many more to list — that offer drag and drop web­site build­ing, often bun­dled with domain reg­is­tra­tion and host­ing, in exchange for a rea­son­able month­ly fee. ]

There are, how­ev­er, some sig­nif­i­cant down­sides to using site builders and man­aged hosting. 

We’re some­what biased since part of our busi­ness is mov­ing peo­ple away from site builders, but there are a few issues that come up fre­quent­ly doing these jobs.

Ven­dor Lock-in

Site builders offer the abil­i­ty to get an attrac­tive site online with min­i­mal upfront costs via (usu­al­ly) a drag and drop builder and word pro­cess­ing like text entry fields.